Very good video on Quick sort Algorithm.This is the easy way to understand the Quick sort algorithm
useful video for learners/beginners in C Programming.
Concept of Quick Sort:
Quick sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. Quick sort first divides a large list into two smaller sub-lists: the low elements and the high elements. Quick sort can then recursively sort the sub-lists.
The quick sort algorithm works by partitioning the array to be sorted, then recursively sorting each partition. In Partition, one of the array elements is selected as a pivot value. Values smaller than the pivot value are placed to the left of the pivot, while larger values are placed to the right.
Quick Sort |
The quick sort algorithm works by partitioning the array to be sorted, then recursively sorting each partition. In Partition, one of the array elements is selected as a pivot value. Values smaller than the pivot value are placed to the left of the pivot, while larger values are placed to the right.
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